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Arm Lift

in New Jersey

Arm Lift Surgery

Significant weight loss and aging can result in arm skin laxity that simply cannot be remedied with diet and exercise. People who wish to have slender, sculpted arms and feel confident wearing sleeveless tops might want to consider arm lift surgery. Arm lift surgery tightens loose skin and trims stubborn fat deposits to improve the appearance of the upper arms. Patients who undergo this procedure often experience improved quality of life and a boost in confidence as they become comfortable in a wider variety of clothing options, including arm-bearing and tight-sleeved styles.

“I want you to know that you guys are the best. Your professionalism and compassion made may surgery a lot easier. Dr. T, your hands are magic gifts and I’m so thankful.”

Am I a Candidate for an Arm Lift?

Candidates for arm lift surgery may have excess skin and fat on their arms because of weight fluctuations, genetics, or aging. The ideal candidate for an arm lift can relate to the following:

  • Loose, sagging skin on the arms
  • Excess arm fat
  • Good physical health
  • Stable body weight
  • Realistic expectations about the results

How Is an Arm Lift Performed?

An arm lift is performed using either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation. The following strategies may be used to reshape the arms based on your individual needs:

  • Standard Arm Lift: This technique is used to remove excess tissue from the underarm to the bend of the arm to create a pleasing contour.
  • Extended Arm Lift: This technique involves removing excess tissue along the arm and down the side of the chest for optimal results.
  • Liposuction: Liposuction removes stubborn fat from the arms to improve their shape. Sometimes liposuction is performed alone, but it is recommended to combine it with an arm lift to tighten loose skin.

What Is My Recovery From Arm Lift Surgery?

After an arm lift, you may be instructed to wear compression garments to minimize swelling, improve circulation, and help your arms maintain their new contours. During recovery, it is common to experience some swelling, bruising, redness, and slight discomfort that can be controlled with pain medications. You should try walking as soon as possible after your arm lift surgery to promote healing and blood circulation. Plan to take at least one or two weeks off work. It is also important to avoid strenuous activities and heavy lifting for six weeks. You can ensure the best results and the shortest recovery time by carefully following your surgeon’s postoperative instructions.

When Will I See My Arm Lift Results?

Patients who undergo arm lift surgery will be able to see their results improving as the postoperative swelling diminishes. After a few months, the final results will be revealed and the arms will have noticeably slimmer and more defined contours. If you maintain a stable body weight and follow a healthy diet and exercise routine, your results are likely to be long lasting.

Natural Results Aimed at Transforming Your Body

What Are the Risks and Side Effects Associated With Arm Lift Surgery?

As with any surgery, there are some risks involved with arm lift surgery. These include:

  • Reactions to anesthesia
  • Infection
  • Bleeding or blood clots
  • Poor wound healing
  • Nerve damage
  • Changes in skin sensation or color
  • Asymmetry
  • Scarring
  • Contour irregularities
  • Damage to deeper structures
  • Persistent swelling

Frequently Asked Questions About Arm Lift Surgery?

How should I prepare for arm lift surgery?

Dr. Thompson will provide you with a complete guide on preparing for your arm lift during your consultation. You will be asked to stop smoking (including vaping) and anti-inflammatory medications (including aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs, and blood-thinning herbal supplements) for at least 10 to 14 days before and after your surgery. We also suggest that you limit or stop your alcohol intake during that time.

Arm lift surgery is performed under anesthesia, and you will not be able to drive yourself home after your surgery. Therefore, you will need to arrange for someone to get you to and from your appointment and stay with you for the first 24 hours to assist with all necessary activities.

Will liposuction of the arms give me the same results as arm lift surgery?

Liposuction of the upper arms can reduce fatty deposits in the arm but cannot tighten or eliminate hanging, flabby skin. If you have skin laxity in the upper arms contributing to a “batwing” appearance, liposuction alone will not achieve optimal results. Dr. Thompson will evaluate your skin condition during your consultation and recommend the right course of treatment.

Will my arm lift build my arm muscles?

Arm lift surgery does not build muscles in the upper arm; however, as it tightens skin and reduces fatty deposits around your already present muscles, many patients feel that their arms look stronger following the surgery. This is because your arm muscles are no longer hidden by excess skin and fat.

Should I combine other body contouring procedures with my arm lift?

Many individuals consider arm lift surgery after significant weight loss or multiple pregnancies left them with sagging skin and fat deposits. Many of these patients find additional benefit when combining their arm lift with other body contouring procedures like tummy tuck surgery, body lift surgery, or thigh lift surgery.

Arm Lift Consultation

Dr. Thompson can help you determine whether arm lift surgery is right for you during your personal consultation. If you are considering this procedure, please request your consultation with us by calling (732) 410-4789 or by completing our online contact form today.

Schedule A Consultation

“As always Dr. Thompson and the staff are awesome. They have answers to all your questions and make you feel at home, lets not forget the fact that no matter what you get done you will be happy with the results.”

Contact Us For A Consultation

Don’t wait any longer to look and feel your best.

Dr. Thompson will work with you to design your personalized aesthetic goals. Call 732-410-4789 today to schedule your consultation or fill out the form below.

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Thompson Center for Plastic Surgery

5 Professional Circle, Suite 107
Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722

Tel: (732) 410-4789

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