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Get a Leg Up With Thigh Lift Surgery

Posted August 23, 2017 in Thigh Lift

Beautiful young slender girlThunder thighs and saddlebags are just a few of the discouraging terms used to describe flabby, fatty, or saggy thighs. If you’re tired of your thighs rubbing together, thigh lift surgery can give you a leg up! This procedure performed by Dr. Thompson can restore slender, sexy, and youthfully slim thighs.

What Is a Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift is a plastic surgery procedure that can improve the contours of your thighs. Weight gain, extra skin after weight loss, aging, or genetics can all lead to sagging or flabbiness in the thigh area. With thigh lift surgery, our plastic surgeon can remove excess skin and stubborn fat from your inner and/or outer thighs to slenderize your legs.

How Does a Thigh Lift Redefine the Thigh Contours?

A thigh lift can redefine your thigh contours by correcting persistent fat and hanging, excess skin.

It Gives You Smoother Skin

Aging and major weight loss can lead to sagging skin various places on the body. Because aging causes the skin to become lax, patients may develop an irregular skin texture on their thighs. When significant weight loss occurs, the excess skin that is unable to contract to the new and slimmer thigh shape may hang loosely from the body as though awkwardly draped around the legs. Whether aging or weight loss have caused your sagging thigh skin, thigh lift surgery can trim this excess skin away to give you smooth and even thighs.

It Gets Rid of Stubborn Fat

Stubborn fat can accumulate on the thighs due to aging, weight fluctuations, or genetics. Many patients feel self-conscious about their saddlebags or thunder thighs and wish they could minimize their appearance. A thigh lift can grant that wish by removing persistent thigh fat with liposuction. This procedure can significantly slim down the thigh region.

It Can Give You a Natural Thigh Gap

As popular beauty trends develop over the years, one particular current trend that is widely pervasive has many women going to extreme lengths. These women seek to have the coveted “thigh gap,” where there is space between the inner thighs even when the knees are touching. The difficulty with this cultural obsession is that if you aren’t genetically blessed with a thigh gap, it may be very challenging to achieve one on your own, even if you are naturally slim. The only proven technique is to get surgery to produce a thigh gap. Liposuction may be able to create a natural-looking thigh gap for you by removing excess fat from your thighs during your thigh lift procedure.

Getting a thigh lift could be just what you need to achieve your aesthetic goals. To find out more about this procedure, schedule your personal consultation with Dr. Thompson at your earliest convenience. Call (732) 410-4789 or fill out our online contact form today.

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Dr. Thompson will work with you to design your personalized aesthetic goals. Call 732-410-4789 today to schedule your consultation or fill out the form below.

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5 Professional Circle, Suite 107
Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722

Tel: (732) 410-4789

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