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Complete Your Weight Loss Transformation With a Body Lift

Posted June 13, 2017 in Body Lift After Weight Loss

before and after weight loss Your journey from overweight to slender has not been without struggles. Major weight loss takes time, discipline, drastic changes to your lifestyle, and an endurance and grit that many others can’t understand. After all your efforts, you’ve finally achieved the healthier, slimmer figure you dreamed of—and yet, your transformation is still not complete. Folds of hanging skin remain as shadows of your former life, a continual reminder of what you once looked like. No one wants to feel trapped by their past. A body lift can help you complete your transformation by ridding you of this excess skin so that you feel free and whole in your new, slimmer body.

The Body Lift Procedure

A body lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that eliminates hanging, sagging skin and persistent fat from around the midsection and flanks. Getting a body lift after weight loss can improve the appearance of your abdomen, buttocks, thighs, hips, waist, and back. If your weight is now stable, it has been at least 12 to 18 months since your bariatric surgery (if you underwent this procedure), and you are healthy and able to endure major surgery, you can undergo a body lift to enhance your body shape and tone.

Body lift surgery typically takes between four and seven hours. Your surgeon will make incisions and remove excess skin from above the buttocks, hips, and outer thighs. The surgeon will also perform an abdominoplasty, during which sagging abdominal skin is removed, the abdominal wall muscles are tightened, stubborn fat is extracted, and the belly button is relocated higher on the abdomen. All of this will reveal a smoother and slimmer body shape from your waist down to your thighs.

Other Body Contouring Procedures Often Included With a Body Lift

A body lift is not the only procedure that can assist with weight loss transformation. People who have achieved significant weight loss frequently choose to undergo an arm lift to tone the upper arms and a thigh lift to tone the inner thighs. Other surgeries, such as a neck lift or breast lift, may also be helpful as you strive to achieve your ideal body contours.

The Benefits of Body Lift Surgery

Weight loss on its own has incredible benefits, but after major weight loss or weight reduction surgery, the body is unable to simply bounce back. The skin, connective tissues, and muscles may lack the elasticity necessary to conform to your new proportions. A body lift resolves this by tightening the tissues and removing the excess tissues so that your newly toned body contour can be easily seen. Clothing options, appearance, and fit can improve dramatically after a body lift. Self-confidence and self-image have been known to rise significantly after this transformative procedure. If you would like your body to reflect the true image of who you are and all you have accomplished with your weight loss, body lift surgery can help you achieve that.

A body lift after weight loss removes loose, hanging skin and tones the body to provide smooth and natural-looking contours. To request a consultation with Dr. Thompson, please call (732) 410-4789 or fill out our online contact form today.

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5 Professional Circle, Suite 107
Colts Neck, New Jersey 07722

Tel: (732) 410-4789

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